General Description
BYD IGBT Power Module BG300B12LY3-I provides low switching loss as well as high short circuit capability, which introduce the advanced IGBT chip/FWD and improved connection.

Half-bridge Low inductance Standard package High short circuit capability Ultra low conduction and switching loss Including ultra fast & soft recovery anti-parallel FWD
AC motor control Inverters Servo UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supplies) Electric welding
Characteristic Values

Thermal and mechanical properties according to IEC 60747
– 15 Electrical characteristics according to IEC 60747
– 9 Specification according to the valid application note.
Package Outlines
Dimensions in mm

Attached (recommended torque):
MS : (to heat sink M6) 3~6 Nm Mt : (to terminals M6) 2.5~5Nm
Attention 1. In order to reduce the contact resistance, we suggest add thermal grease between base and heat-sink, which thickness is about 0.1mm. 2. When installing the module, please wear a electrostatic bracelet to prevent the gate breakdown and the imbalance power may damage the internal chip, even to damage the module. 3. This is an electrostatic sensitive device, please observe the international standard IEC 60747-1, chap. IX
If you want to know more about EPCOS capacitors, refer to: